The Founder’s Series with Chris Hawk: A New Way to Create Loyal Raving SuperFans

4 min readJun 21, 2023

StarStake Log 4 — How Building Relationships Creates Loyal Fans for Life

Welcome to the Founder’s series, a backstage all-access look inside the mind and methods of what StarStake is, why StarStake is and how StarStake is poised to revolutionize the creator-fan economy. Each article is from Co-founder and visionary behind the StarStake platform, Chris Hawk, and delves into different aspects of the mission StarStake is here to accomplish.

In this article, Chris Hawk shares an overview of StarStake and this powerful platform.

In his own words:

“Everybody out there is trying to grasp and get new customers constantly and you’ve got this bidding war going on when you’re on Facebook and running ads. Everybody’s trying to outbid each other to get access to these communities that you don’t even own.

What you should be doing is figuring out how to create more loyalty so your customers are your customers for life and your fans for life. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, that loyalty is the solution to the major disruption problem. That’s where it starts. That’s what we focus 1,000% on.

Relationships over Transactions

If we know that there needs to be a relationship, you can’t have a relationship through a series of transactions or social posts online. Relationships require more than that. They require feeling and meaning– they require value and community and all of these things work together.

I’ll explain this concept to you and I’ll get to the point here– they come for the product or service, which is you; but they stay for the relationship.

You can draw them in and create this amazing offer and funnel that sells them your product, but they’re going to leave for a better product or they’re going to leave for the next shiny object or they’re going to leave because somebody else put an ad in front of them on Facebook and now they just jumped into that idea that this thing is better than yours.

But the reason they would stay with you is because of the relationship you have with them. What do you make them feel like as a customer? How do they feel part of what you’re doing? That’s really, really important. These relationships require certain things.

Shifting the Approach to Value Exchange

Right now, if you look at the landscape of all these other platforms that are trying to give creators opportunities, because that’s really what they’re trying to do. We know that these problems exist on social media, right?

All these brands are trying to monetize their brands and their reach and their audiences, which they don’t own by the way. And many of these platforms– a majority of them if not all– are approaching it as a value for a fee model.

Patreon, for example, allows creators to create a membership for a fee. And you create some exclusive content video. Many other platforms are similar– you create value through content, material, information, and you sell it to your premium customers for a fee.

So you have the free people on social media that get free stuff and then you charge a premium for some type of content. It’s a value for a fee model you’re charging. The same goes for you know how you monetize videos on YouTube. You get a fee for basically the value being access to your community.

Because you built this huge community on YouTube, they sell ads to advertisers and they give you a small fee to access your video, your community. The value you provide is access to your community even though it’s not really yours. You get a fee for it which is kind of strange because you spent all that hard work.

Creating productions and content and constant work and all the time to produce that yet you don’t even really own it and you get this tiny little piece so its value for a fee. StarStake on the other hand, is value for value. You give value for value, not value for permission.”

Written by a human for humans.




Next-gen Web3 platform for brands and creators to build lifetime revenue by transforming followers into superfans and customers for life.