The Founder’s Series with Chris Hawk: Is StarStake Just Another NFT Platform?

4 min readJun 10, 2023

StarStake Log #2: What is StarStake Really?

Welcome to the Founder’s series, a backstage all-access look inside the mind and methods of what StarStake is, why StarStake is and how StarStake is poised to revolutionize the creator-fan economy. Each article is from Co-founder and visionary behind the StarStake platform, Chris Hawk, and delves into different aspects of the mission StarStake is here to accomplish.

In this article, Chris Hawk shares an overview of StarStake and this powerful platform.

In his own words:

What is StarStake Really and What do NFTs Have to Do With It?

“So what is StarStake? It may not be what 99% of people think it is. A lot of people still say, ‘How is this NFT project going to affect you guys?’ or ‘Have you seen what this NFT club did and how is that going to impact you?’ and ‘What about the public’s perception about NFTs?’ You know, it’s funny. We don’t really focus on mentioning NFTs much now on our website. I don’t know if you have seen the new website but there are several new pages — the Home page, the Fan page, the Creator page and the About Us page.

While StarStake is built on a foundation of NFT technology, we made it a point to not talk about NFTs as much because while it’s the technology that makes this happen — and you’ll learn and hear about it when you start using the platform — you don’t have to bend your life around some new technology.

Instead, we focus on what StarStake is going to do for you, what these brand clubs are going to do for your life as a fan, and what these brand clubs are going to do for you as a brand new creator and the positivity and benefits that brings. We recognize that any time there’s an early market for something, everybody rushes to capitalize on it or what they think it is. The internet is a prime example.

Suddenly, Everyone’s an Art Collector

People came out and did a certain thing and everyone thought the internet was about that and then people learned different ways to use it and before you know it, we had My Space, Facebook, Amazon and Google, and all these other things, but in the beginning, there was no Google, there was no Facebook or Twitter. This is all the evolution.

Initially, when things come out, there’s always a perception of the bad and a perception of what it is, not what it can be. Most people use the internet and don’t know how every part works necessarily. The same goes for NFTs. NFTs are a technology — Non Fungible Tokens. Basically, these verifiable assets that are held on the blockchain came out and people were just schlepping art and all of a sudden everybody’s an art collector.

When NFTs came up, ‘Now I’m a collector, and I got this super rare duper, duper Jeopardy rare NFT and it’s going to be worth something’ and all sudden, when it’s not, everybody starts pointing fingers like, ‘Hey, you screwed me’. They’re always slamming each other. But you weren’t an art collector before this happened. You were just trying to make quick cash and then realized that it’s not really what it seems.

We knew that we were going into this landscape with some perceptions being what they were. Some people lost money, some people made money, but a lot of people lost because they got caught up in the hype instead of understanding really what the possibilities could be.

We’re going to use this technology, but we’re not going to piggyback off of any type of trend or anything like that because we know that those things go away. We see it with crypto and just about everything else on this planet.

The Advancements of Emerging Technology

We’re hearing a lot about AI right now and I promise you there’s going to be something that goes south on that, somebody uses it the wrong way or somebody gets hurt using that technology and all of a sudden AI is bad and you’re going to read headlines: ‘AI is going to ruin the world!’ You actually already hear that. It’s funny — all this negativity and all of a sudden, it’s bad, right?

And people just jump to that conclusion when it actually can be so good and so great. When you learn how to leverage it and bring it into other things that it can help with, then that sentiment changes.

StarStake is here to revolutionize the way creators engage with their fans, helping creators share real value while our powerful Fan Engine tracks engagement and allows creators and brands to share rewards and special access. NFTs just so happen to be the technology behind how this works, leveraging the blockchain and smart contracts to pull it off.”

Written by a human for humans.




Next-gen Web3 platform for brands and creators to build lifetime revenue by transforming followers into superfans and customers for life.